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The importance of using minimally invasive techniques in management of pancreatic pseudocysts is evident today. In order to evaluate the efficacy of puncture-draining interventions, analysed herein are therapeutic outcomes in 102 patients. The patients were subdivided depending on the causes of pathology, localization, forms and presence of complications. Diagnosis included an ultrasonographic study. Suspected for neoplastic cysts, 21 patients underwent computed tomography, 42 - duodenoscopy, 17 - endoscopic retrograde pancreatocholangiography. Taking into consideration a high risk of pancreatic fistulas formation, after external drainage, we isolated a high-risk group comprising 36 people, and a group of 66 subjects with no risk of this complication. The latter underwent ultrasonography-controlled external drainage. Of these, 49 patients were subjected to drainage by the Seldinger technique, 12 - large-calibre percutaneous external drainage. Complications were observed in 3 subjects. Patients at risk of a complication underwent ultrasonographically and endoscopically controlled internal drainage. Complications were noted in 4 cases. Of these, two, during transduodenal drainage, developed bed-sores of the superior mesenteric artery branches, and one patient developed abdominal haemorrhage. In this connection we refused carrying out transduodenal drainage. The long-term results in patients with cystoduodenal stents were followed-up in 19 subjects. By month six, the stent detached spontaneously in 6 patients, being removed endoscopically in 8 subjects. Fifteen patients with intrapancreatic hypertension were subjected to endoscopic papillosphincterotomy. The duration of the hospital stay amounted to 23-28 days. Hence, internal drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts, followed by cystoduodenal stenting in patients at risk of an external pancreatic fistula within the described therapeutic-and-diagnostic algorithm is an operation of choice.



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Aim: was to estimate the expediency of one-time sanation of the gallbladder, performed under ultrasound control in patients with acute cholecystitis as a preoperative preparation.

Material and methods. For the period 2007-2016, 1365 sanations of the gallbladder were performed in 1289 patients with acute cholecystitis. In 1284 cases (94.1%), the manipulation was single-staged, performed under local anesthesia by echo-puncture needles, caliber of 17.5 G under ultrasound control by the "free hand" method or using a program of biopsy cursor, percutaneously transhepatic. Access was made through the hepatic parenchyma with a thickness of at least 10 mm. Results. Sanation of the gallbladder was effective in all 1365 cases. Repeated sanitation in a day was necessary in 76 patients. Cholecystectomy within the current hospitalization was performed ir 1132 of (87.8%) 1289 patients, in terms from 1 to 4 days after initial manipulation. The dislocation of the blocking gall-stone from the cervical region of the gallbladder into its lumen was made with a rigid 0.035" gidewire in order to restore cystic duct flow was effective in 122 cases (35.2%). Complications: subcapsular hematomas of the liver in the puncture zone - 4 (0.3%), bilomus of the gallbladder bed - 1 (0.07%), bleeding to the gallbladder lumen - 11 (0.8%) were treated conservatively. There were no lethal outcomes.

Conclusion: one-time sanation of gallbladder allows to decompress safely the gallbladder, to stop pain syndrome, to conduct a full pre-examination and preoperative preparation of patient and perform cholecystectomy in the most comfortable and safe conditions in a delayed or planned order. 



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